
 World Missions

Every follower of Jesus has been put "On Mission" by Jesus Himself.  This includes reaching people for God in your home town, region, nation and every part of the world.  We all play different roles in reaching the world for Jesus.  Join us as we are on a Mission to Reach the World.

Missions Supported by FBCCH

We partner with these organizations to provide financial support, leadership training or missions trips.  Through our ministry partners, we can expand and Reach The World and make a greater impact for Christ.

Abe Brown Ministries

Adonai's Ministry

Africa Vital Living

African Leadership

Better Together

Evangelical Mission

Gaining Ground

Get it Straight Foundation

High Impact Christian Centre

Impact Life International

The Mendenhall Ministries

Metropolitan Ministries

New Hearts Outreach

Open Air Campaigners

Servants of Christ International

Teneba's Haven

My Faith Promise

1. What is Faith Promise?

Faith Promise is way of giving to world evangelism. Rather than waiting to respond to individual appeals as they come along, believers ask the Lord how much they should give to missions over the next year. They then commit to

that annual total as a "Faith Promise." Faith Promise thus makes missions giving strategic rather than sporadic.

2. Is this a pledge and will I be notified of my progress?

This is a promise to God, not a pledge to the church. Your Faith Promise amount is between you and God. No one will notify you or keep track of your progress toward your commitment. You will not be contacted.

3. Who can make a Faith Promise?

Anyone who wants to trust God and who wants to be used of God to get the Good News to the unreached can make a Faith Promise commitment (Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:24-25). Youth and children are encouraged to participate in Faith

Promise giving.

4. How long does my Faith Promise commitment last?

Generally, Faith Promise commitments are made once a year during a missions conference or convention. The weekly or monthly or annual commitments extend for one year from that time.

5. How do I make my pledge?

Click here and complete the sign-up to pledge form.

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