
Dr. S. Evan Burrows

Senior Pastor

Pastor Burrows says there has never been a time he has not loved and embraced the church. At the age of nine he accepted Christ as his savior and has never regretted this glorious decision. 

Pastor Burrows has been preaching the gospel for more than thirty-five years. He is a gifted Bible teacher and is passionate about communicating the truths of the scriptures and is committed to developing competent and committed leadership in the local church to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Pastor Burrows also has a heart for missions and believes in supporting efforts around the world to spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, numerous members of First Baptist Church of College Hill have participated in short-term mission trips over the years.

The vision God has given pastor for the church is to see members
Love the Lord, Grow as believers and Reach the world for Christ.

Pastor Burrows is married to his lovely wife Rosa, and they have two sons Henry, and Andrew.


Phone: (813) 248-6600, Ext. 203

Rev. Christopher Jarnegan

Assistant Pastor

Rev. Christopher S. Jarnegan, a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan was born  to the late Joseph and Phyllis Jarnegan. A product of the Grand Rapids Public  Schools system, he graduated cum laude from Warner University in Lake Wales, Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in Church Ministry. He is a  lifetime member of the Alpha Delta Alpha chapter of the Alpha Sigma Lamda Honor Society.

Rev. Jarnegan accepted his call to preach the Gospel under the Pastoral care  of Rev. Bruce E. Garmon, Sr. at The Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist  Church, in Grand Rapids Michigan. It was there, that he met and married his  beautiful wife, Octavia, in July of 1996. They have 4 children, three boys  (Christopher Jr., Ki-Jana, Brandon), one girl (Kaila), and one granddaughter  (Kendall Marie). 

In May of 2007 he joined The First Baptist Church of College Hill, under the  Pastoral care of Rev. Abraham Brown. Soon thereafter, Pastor Brown retired  and was succeeded by Dr. S. Evan Burrows, who immediately selected Rev.  Jarnegan as his Assistant Pastor, in August of 2008.

As Assistant Pastor, his responsibilities include oversight of: 

• Church Administration • Facilities Maintenance • IT Systems 

• Paid Staff 

• Event Coordination • Worship Service • Transportation • Church Ministries 

Rev. Jarnegan continually strives for the advancement of the church and  community through Christ. This is evident through the boundless energy he  displays and his enthusiasm for the growth and ministries of the First Baptist  Church of College Hill. 


Phone: (813) 248-6600, Ext. 215


Executive Assistant

Pamela Morrow-Guinyard


Phone: 813-248-6600, Ext. 201

Associate Minister

Rev. Darrell Collins


Phone: (813) 248-6600


Shaneice Herring


Phone: 813-248-6600, Ext. 212

Kitchen Manager

Carol Nelson


Phone: 813-248-6600, Ext. 205

Director of Communications

Kamilah Boykin


Phone: 813-248-6600, Ext. 210

Media Director

Dr. Darryl Matthews


Phone: 813-248-6600, Ext. 216

Minister of Music

Windell Roberson


Phone: 813-421-5771

Next Gen Pastor

Pastor Jarrod McCullar


Phone: 813-248-6600, Ext. 211

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